Zoning permits are required for Fence Work in Union NJ. Provide a copy of your property survey with application (print below). Familiarize yourself with the town codes (below) for fencing to determine if your fence project is allowed in town. Whether for commercial or residential fencing, contact the zoning office in town (info below), with any questions or concerns. We at Academy have been installing all types of fencing in Union since the 1960’s. Look below to see pictures of recently completed fence jobs in Union. Thanks and give us a call if you have any questions or need any assistance. We are happy to give you an idea of a fence price, a verbal quote or to a written estimate.
Official Fence Codes For Union, New Jersey
[Amended 3-10-1992 by Ord. No. 4181; 6-25-1996 by Ord. No. 4445]
On any lot in any district other than the I Industrial Zone, no wall or fence shall be erected or altered so that said wall or fence shall be over six feet in height in side yard areas and six feet in height in rear yard areas. In residential zones, fences may be constructed in side and rear yards no closer than two inches to a property line subject to other applicable provisions of this article. Fences shall be prohibited in front yard areas of all zones. On corner lots, a twelve-foot side yard setback shall be maintained within 15 feet of the rear property line when the same abuts a front yard or when necessary to provide adjacent property sight distance. This provision may be waived or modified by the Construction Code Official if, in his determination, a sight distance concern does not exist.
No fence shall be erected of barbed wire, topped with metal spikes or constructed of any material or in any manner which may be dangerous to persons or animals, except that fences permitted for industrial uses may be topped by a barbed wire protective barrier not less than eight feet in height. Fences shall not be permitted to extend closer than the minimum required front setback line in any industrial zone.
A dog run or privacy area may have fencing a maximum of six feet in height, provided that such area is located in rear yard areas only and is set back from any lot line at least 15 feet.
A tennis court area, located in rear yard areas only, may be surrounded by a fence a maximum of 15 feet in height, said fence to be set back from any lot line the distance required for accessory buildings.
The finished side of all fences, walls or other structures in the nature of a fence shall face towards the property adjacent to the property upon which said fence, wall or other structure in the nature of a fence has been erected.
Township of Union- Town Hall
1976 Morris Ave.
Union, NJ 07083
Office: 908-851-8509
Office Hours:
8:30 – 4:30pm
Wed.-8:30am – 7pm
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