6×8 vinyl privacy section panels fence
6x8 vinyl privacy section panels fence ramsey nj bergen county
6×8 vinyl privacy section panels fence installed by Academy Fence Company in Ramsey, NJ – Bergen County
Here are the things you should know prior to installing a fence in the Ramsey Borough, Bergen County, NJ. You must know your property lines. This can be done by referring to your property survey. You may need to have the land surveying company put stakes in to physically mark your property lines. View the Borough’s fence codes and ordinances (view-able below). Contact the Township (Zoning Office info below), to verify if your plan is permissible and to acquire a Fence Zoning Permit. We at Academy Fence are here to help you with every step of the process. We supply deer fence, aluminum fence, wood fence, and vinyl fence for gardens, farms and back yards. All of our full line of fence products are in stock at our NNJ fence material store. We are ready to provide you with a fence cost estimate. Give us a call.
Building permits are only required for a fence around a pool. Any fence over 4 feet in the front yard or front facing in the side yards requires a variance from the Board of Adjustment. Any fence over 6 feet in the rear or side yards requires a variance from the Board of Adjustment.
Chain link fences, which must be vinyl coated, are allowed only in the rear yard.
Fences in the front yard must be picket or split rail fencing only with a minimum of 50% open area, and shall be limited to 4 feet in height including berm.
Ramsey Borough
Zoning Office
33 North Central Avenue
Ramsey, NJ 07446
Phone: 201-825-3400 ext. 262
Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 4:30
6x8 vinyl privacy section panels fence ramsey nj bergen county
6×8 vinyl privacy section panels fence installed by Academy Fence Company in Ramsey, NJ – Bergen County
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