As per the Township of West Orange, NJ, you will need a permit to put a fence up,whether new or existing, for both property owners and fence contractors. You must complete and submit a fence zoning permit application(provided below) to the town office;
Residential Permits are $50; Commercial are $100.
You will need to be familiar with the town fence codes(shown below) in order to determine if your proposed fence project is permissible. For specific questions, such as deer fence, pool fence, corner lots etc. contact the Zoning Official at (973)-325-4119 or email
We Academy Fence Company have been a leading fence service contractor in West Orange since the 1960’s. See pictures of completed installations for your reference below.
A zoning permit is required for fence installation in West Orange. Below are links to official information regarding the permit process as well as the application itself.
West Orange NJ Fence Installation Permit Application
Local Fence Regulations:
a. Walls and fences which are not more than fifty (50%) percent solid are permitted anywhere on the property, in all districts, provided they are not higher than four (4) feet.
b. Solid walls and fences not higher than six (6) feet are permitted in the rear yard and on the side property line up to the rear line of the applicant’s house. If the distance on each side of such a fence is more than five (5) feet to each adjacent house, such solid fence may be located in the side property up to the front of the applicant’s house.
c. In all nonresidential districts, fences or walls not exceeding six (6) feet in height shall be permitted in the side and rear yards provided the fence or wall is not closer than five (5) feet at any point to a principal building in a residential district.
d. In all nonresidential districts, a fence or wall to be used for screening may not exceed six (6) feet in height. If a property owner desires to exceed the six (6) feet limitation, the property owner shall apply to the Planning Board for technical review. An informal sketch will be required so as to permit the Technical Review Committee to evaluate the location of the fence and determine the appropriateness of the proposed use.
e. In all districts the good or finished side of the fence must face away from the applicant’s property.
f. The use of barbed and/or razor wire is prohibited in all districts. If a property owner desires to use barbed and/or razor wire, the owner shall apply to the Planning Board for technical review. An informal sketch will be required so as to permit the Technical Review Committee to evaluate the location of the fence and determine the appropriateness of the proposed use.
g. Electrical wire fence is prohibited in all districts.
h. No fence as described in this section may be constructed in any district without a written application being made to the Zoning Officer who shall issue a permit after compliance with the following fee schedule:
Building & Construction Code Department
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