4′ Solid White Vinyl Fence
4' Solid Vinyl PVC Fence 31
This 48″ tall solid white vinyl fence was installed for a new customer’s residential property in West Orange, New Jersey. Among many home improvements the customer made to their new home upon arrival, was a new distinct-styled vinyl fence to replace the old rusty overgrown chainlink that existed. Being that the fence is up on a retaining wall, the customer gained privacy and a prestigious look with this 4′ high PVC.
Stepped Cedar Privacy Fence
8′ Black Wire Deer Fence
Welded Wire Mesh Deer Fence West Orange Essex County NJ
8′ black wire deer fence installed in West Orange NJ, by Academy Fence Company.
Post & Rail with Wire Fence Attached
post and rail with welded wire mesh attached West Orange NJ Essex County
Post and rail with welded wire mesh attached installed by Academy Fence Company in West Orange, NJ.
4′ spaced picket dog run enclosure
Spaced picket dog run enclosure - west orange
This is a 4′ high spaced picket dog run enclosure installed by Academy Fence Company in West Orange, NJ. The customer called us to help them create way to let their dogs outside. We went to their home and instead of fencing in their entire yard, we together arrived at this idea of having a three sided dog run adjacent to the house, so they can open the door and let them out. A simple cedar wood fence is strong and durable. It will last for many years.
4ft high Longspur, double drive gate
4ft high Longspur, double drive gate, West Orange - Essex county
4ft high Longspur, double drive gate installed by Academy Fence Company in West Orange, NJ – Essex county.
Cedar spaced pickets drive gate
cedar spaced pickets drive gate west orange nj - essex county
Cedar spaced pickets drive gate installed by academy fence company in West Orange NJ – Essex county
5ft cedar solid board privacy fence
5ft cedar solid board privacy fence installed by Academy Fence Company in West Orange, NJ - Essex county
This is a 5 ft high, cedar solid board, privacy fence, that we installed in West Orange, NJ – Essex County. After originally installing their fence over 20 years ago, we were called to assess it. We determined that the posts were still strong so we only needed to replace the sections and are confident the fence will last for decades to come.
6′ Solid White PVC Fence
This is a 72″ high solid PVC privacy fence w/ New England post caps installed in West Orange, New Jersey by Academy Fence Company.
“All Black System” Chainlink Fence
This 48 inch “All Black System” chain link fence enclosure is installed by Academy Fence Company in West Orange, New Jersey. In chain link fencing,an “all black system” means that everything including the chain link fabric, the pipe, the fittings, the hardware, the top rail, and hinges etc. are vinyl coated black.
Post and Rail Fence – Bufftech Certagrain® Texture
3 Rail White Vinyl Fence Installation
This 3 rail white vinyl post and rail fence was installed in a residential community in West Orange, Essex County, New Jersey. It added a nice touch to this customer’s backyard with a Drive Gate for Landscaping as well as a walk gate. The exact style is Bufftech Certagrain® Texture.
5′ Solid Cedar Wood Fence
60″ Solid Cedar Custom Sections; Alternating Flat and French Gothic Style Pickets installed by Academy Fence Company in West Orange, Essex County, New Jersey. This was a replacement of some of the existing sections. You can see where the old sections meet the new ones.
CertaGrain® Texture “Sierra Blend” Rail Fence
This is 48″ high, 3-Rail Post & Rail with CertaGrain® Texture – “Sierra Blend” Fence; professionally installed by Academy Fence Company in West Orange, Essex County, NJ. This type of PVC fence is among the best available to the industry and is manufactured by Bufftech®.
Aluminum Fence Company Installation
48″ Heron Style – is manufactured by Onguard Aluminum Fence Company. It is professionally installed in West Orange, NJ, by Academy Fence Company. This style meets pool code and has horizontal rails along the top and bottom.
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