Welcome and congratulations to you for beginning your fence building project. Here you will find a great deal of information on the process including; How to measure for your fence, how to get a quote, the permit application process, what homeowners and fence contractors need to know, reference pictures of other completed jobs and more. Once you have become familiar with the Borough’s fence codes (official codes below) and have chosen a style, it is best to contact the Zoning Department (contact info below) to determine if the proposed fence is permissible. Then you can submit a zoning permit application (proved below). To save time, be sure to bring copies of your property survey with the fence line marked in red. Academy Fence Company, a fence contractor, has been installing and repairing all types of wood, post and rail, vinyl, ornamental aluminum fence and gates, deer fence, farm and garden fence, dog enclosures, you name it, in Mendham, since the 1960’s. You will see our work all around town and when you see our signature fence sign you can be assured it is a fence that is well planned and provides years of strength and beauty,
Mendham Borough Fence Codes and Ordinances
[Added 8-7-1989 by Ord. No. 17-89; amended 9-5-1989 by Ord. No. 20-89; 6-7-1999 by Ord. No. 15-99; 6-7-1999 by Ord. No. 17-99; 12-18-2000 by Ord. No. 21-00; 12-2-2002 by Ord. No. 10-02EN]
(1) A solid, or a partially open, fence under 2 1/2 feet in height may be erected in any portion of a lot. [Amended 3-16-2009 by Ord. No. 1-09]
(2) Except as provided in § 215-14I(3), a fence equal to or in excess of 2 1/2 feet in height, but not to exceed four feet in height, may be constructed in any front yard or any yard that abuts either a public or private street, provided that it is not solid and that at least 20% of the overall area of the entire fence, uniformly distributed, both horizontally and vertically throughout the fence area, is open. For purposes of this Subsection B, “front yard” shall be defined as the area extending across the full width of a lot and lying between the front lot line of the property and the nearest point of the foundation of the principal structure on the lot, regardless of how “front yard” may be elsewhere defined in this chapter. [Amended 3-16-2009 by Ord. No. 1-09]
(3) Except as provided in § 215-14I(3), within all residence zones, no fence more than six feet in height shall be erected within any rear or side yard setback, as set forth in § 215-28, provided that neither side nor rear yard abuts a public or private street.
(4) The height of a fence shall be measured from the grade at the base of the fence at any given location to the highest point of the fence structure.
(5) All fences permitted under this section shall be situated on a lot in such a manner that the finished side shall face adjacent properties and adjacent public or private streets.
(6) No fence shall be erected within the Borough without a permit having first been obtained from the Zoning Officer. The permit fee shall be as set forth in Chapter 102, Fees.
(7) The Zoning Officer and the Borough Administrator are authorized to enforce the provisions of this Subsection B.
(8) In all zones, non-perimeter mesh or wire enclosures not thicker than 18 gauge and not exceeding four feet in height in a front yard or any yard abutting a public or private road or eight feet in height in a rear or side yard not abutting a public or private street erected for the sole purpose of seasonal protection of trees, shrubs or plantings are not subject to the provisions of Subsection B(3) and (6) above.
(9) No fence may be installed on private property in the Borough that is in violation of § 147-7, which prohibits fences composed of or containing any materials harmful to humans or animals. Such harmful materials include, but are not necessarily limited to, barbed wire, razor wire, low-visibility wire, piano wire, imbedded glass and sharp metal points. Electrically charged fences are also prohibited unless they meet each of the following standards:
(a) All electrical equipment used in the fence shall carry the label of Underwriter’s Laboratories or the Industrial Commission of Wisconsin.
(b) The fence shall be installed and operated according to the National Electrical Code and applicable state regulations.
(c) Any electric fence that abuts a public or private street must be set back at least 50 feet from the front lot line or from any public or private street.
Mendham Borough – Bowers Building
6 West Main Street
Mendham, NJ 07945
Phone Number 973-543-7152 ext. 23
Fax Number 973-543-2290
Monday & Thursday
12:30pm to 4:30pm
9:00am to 4:30pm
Mendham Borough Official Website
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