There are a couple of things you should do prior to installing a fence and here are some specifics for Hillside Township, Union County, NJ. You must know your property lines. This is usually done by referring to your property survey. It is usually best and sometimes imperative to have the property surveying company put stakes in to physically mark your property lines. Then, once you have a layout, and have chosen the type of fence you prefer, make sure it is compliant with the Township’s fence codes and ordinances (view-able below). Next is to contact the town (contact info below), to verify if your plan is permissible. We at Academy Fence can help you with every step of the process. We are ready to provide you with a fence price quotation. Just give us a call.
A. In any district on any corner lot no fence, wall, sign, structure, continuous planting or other obstruction to vision shall be erected or maintained above three feet in height as measured from the top of the curb within 25 feet of any street intersection except as provided in § 188-41D.
B. On any interior lot in any residential district, no wall or fence shall be erected or altered so that the wall or fence shall be over six feet in height, except as required for yards with swimming pools in § 188-39.
C. No fence around residential property shall be erected of barbed wire, topped with metal spikes constructed of any material or in any manner which may be dangerous to persons or animals.
(973) 926-3002
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